Facebook Advertising: Pros and Cons


Have you ever used Facebook advertising? If no, then here are some major pros and cons of Facebook advertising.

Gone are the days when business only ran physically, it’s high time, especially amid Covid’19, the digital market is at peak. From selling to advertising all of the business tasks have been done online. 

Things work online now and that’s the new normal.  There are different digital platform, but the most dominant and older is Facebook.  Either it’s a small or big business, Facebook has been the feasible choice for advertising and digital marketization.  If you want to achieve the calculated target then you must give a read to the pros and cons of Facebook Advertising in this competitive digital media game.


Advertising on Facebook gives opportunity to spread your business to the right audience, targeting specific age group, gender and interest group.  Following are some pros of Facebook advertising:

1-      Wider Reach: Being dominant and most popular social media platform, Facebook has about 2.89 billion users. This makes your ad reach a wider audience.

2-      Inexpensive: Small Budget? Don’t worry! Facebook ads are inexpensive that means you can take out the benefit by sending least. Interestingly, Facebook gives you the opportunity to achieve your estimated goal within lowest costs; you should absolutely consider budgeting for the occasional Facebook campaign.

3-      Micro-targeting: With Facebook advertising, you can do geo-targeting. By taking advantage of micro-targeting tool of Facebook you can aim at specific, cities, malls, villages and countries.

4-      Lead Generation:  You can generate lead with Facebook advertising.  Through leads potential users can give you their details and want to hear from your business as well. The forms you create for lead generations offer customers to gather details about your services and products.

5-      Facebook Look Alike Audience: The Facebook lookalike audience benefits you in differentiating in your potential customers. By this you can create a targeted audience and your value gets doubled as it increases the audience size, magnificently. For instance, you have created an ad for clothing brand; you can appeal alike audience that would be interesting in apparel and fitness etc., via same ad.

Cons: Every rose has its thorn, have you heard this proverb ever? This is relatable here while talking about the downsides of Facebook advertisement:

1-      Diminishing Organic Reach

The organic reach is getting less at Facebook advertising. If you are not willing to pay for your advertisements you won’t be getting reach which is the biggest challenge faced by digital marketers. Organic reach is getting diminished with passage of time and that’s affecting the businesses negatively.

2-      Advertisement Policies: There is some shady content that is prohibited strictly at Facebook and there advertisements are also prohibited. For your advertisement you must have to follow the community guidelines.  For example, tobacco, illegal drugs, discriminatory practices, weapons and explosives etc. The adverts must be approved first which takes about a day or less.

3-      Competition:

As mentioned above, almost all of the business are working online, which creates a tough competition. Making your mark is a strenuous job to do. Standing out from the adverts bulk, is the major side-effect of Facebook advertising these days. To resolve the issue you must create and deign the mind-blowing and amazing advertisements to get the customers attention.

4-      Pay-per-Click:

Alas! Nothing comes  for free! Facebook advertisements is pay per clicks, meaning you need to pay so that your adverts can reach at a higher audience and can help you in getting the potential customers, but who wants to pay every time they want to run a campaign or ad? That’s the worst part of advertising on Facebook.



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